Codex Early Music Ensemble

Codex Early Music Ensemble


The Codex Early Music Ensemble was founded in 1996 by music teachers and students of the Faculty of Music, Transilvania University of Brașov. Their main goal is to give an authentic and living performance of the Hungarian (especially Transylvanian) and European music from the 17th-19th c., using copies of period instruments.

Filip Ignác, dr., artistic director – recorders, transverse flute, voice
Szabó Éva – recorders, transverse flute, percussion, voice
Kovács Éva – violin, rebec, voice
Kovács László – violin, baroque violin, voice
Adorján Csaba – viola, kontra, vielle, voice
Lázár Zsombor – cello, vielle, kobsa, voice
Szőgyör Árpád – double bass, viol, voice

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