Salt Mine Praid/Parajd

Salt Mine Praid/Parajd

Natural attraction / Family-friendly attraction

Audio Guide




Strada Minei 44, Praid 537240, Romania


We would like to inform you that visiting the Praid Salt Mine is temporarily suspended for technical reasons.
Specialised teams from the National Salt Company are working to resolve the problem and reopen the mine as soon as possible.

The recreational base of the Praid/Parajd salt mine is located at "Horizon 50", which is 120 m below the surface. The salt buses transport the people 1250 m through the mine, to the entrance of the recreational base.

Once you reach the Recreation Center, you can enjoy all the facilities of a small community: lighting, wireless access, television, children's playgrounds, creative and recreational spaces, ecumenical chapel, café, 3D cinema and a drugstore with herbal products.

The average annual underground temperature is 16 degrees Celsius.

When exiting the recreational base, at "Horizon 60", you can find the visiting area “Panorama Belvedere Mina Iosif". You can also enjoy wine tasting, or eat from the varied menu prepared by the salt mine restaurant.

During the year, around 400.000 people visit the Praid salt mine, and in the summer season the number of people reaches 2500-3000 / day.

Also in summer, after the underground visit, we invite you to our swimming pool.

Contraindications: tuberculosis, acute respiratory disease, high blood pressure (third phase), ischemic heart disease, Basedow's disease, nervous system disorders manifested by fainting and dizziness, claustrophobia, advanced pregnancy.

Cover photo: Dezső László


  • Praid

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